It has been a quiet time here in Nepal
recently. Last week we had to say goodbye to our lovely volunteers. Anna,
Rebecca, Katie, Katie and Martin were wonderful volunteers and contributed so
much during their time here. We miss them already!
Hilary, our new volunteer, has arrived
though and is settling in very well to the placements and getting used to
Pokhara life! Her first day yesterday was a good taster for life here as we
arrived at Annapurna Primary School to find that there was a holiday, (decided
upon that morning)! Life here is unpredictable and these unplanned holidays
happen frequently. The day did not go to waste however as we went to Hilary’s
other placement with the Street Kids! I was able to donate some clothes and
basic medical supplies which had been contributed by HEG and some of our
previous volunteers – there is still more to donate to our other placements and
so a blog post will follow shortly!
All the schools have exams going on
currently and so the children are all working hard. These exams are taken very
seriously for the older children and so we are busy helping the children with
their revision.

We are looking forward to a busy season
here in Nepal. Dashain and Tihar, important Nepali festivals, are coming up and
so the schools will closed for a few weeks. This is a lovely time of year in
Nepal, with plenty of street dancing and parties; I am personally very excited
to experience my first Dashain and Tihar, having heard so much about how
wonderful they are. There will be lots to do, and our volunteers will be busy
at Street Kids and our other childcare placements so it feels like, currently,
we are in the calm before the storm!
If you would like to join the team here in Nepal please email
Gemma on gemma@podvolunteer.org
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