Here's part 2 for Elinor's Diary. I've tried not to cut out too much as I think it's great to see the highs and lows the volunteers go through and Elinor gives a real insight as to what volunteering in Nepal is really like!
Hi all,
been a very frustrating couple of days in lots of different ways, some real
highs and lows. It's a 50/50 situation, 50% of the time, you really feel
like you're getting into the swing of things and then the next moment,
everything is thrown into chaos!!
In the
afternoon, we went to the street kids, and it is here that I do feel like I'm
contributing and making an impact. The lads did their homework and then
we went to the park and threw frisbees and balls around and did some
skipping. Before we knew it, all the local kids had joined us so we ended
up playing with about 30 kids!
night we had dinner with the family who own the guesthouse where we stay - veg
and cheese momo's - which were lovely, but looked cr*p cos we'd made them!
I am still enjoying my time here, however, I have to have a word with myself
daily to tell myself to accept things for the way they are and not to let
things get to me. I do miss my home comforts and I will massively
appreciate everything when I get home, even more than I do already!
for all your responses, take care, and catch up soon.
Elinor xxx
Hi everyone,

next two weeks will be very different because it is the Dashian Festival for
the next week, followed by another festival for two weeks, so many of the
families, and therefore the children, have gone to visit family in other areas.
The town of Pokhara is much quieter and many of the schools are now closed for
a month!!! God love the Nepali education system :-) One interesting
fact for you - during Dashian, 100,000 goats and buffaloes will be slaughtered
(apologies to my vegetarian friends for this) as it is considered to be a great
gift to give your family. PoD are paying for a goat to be given to the
mum at the street kids home, so she can cook a big meal for them all.
This is a very big deal and will be very exciting for them.
has finished his placement so he is off trekking on Monday though the Annapurna
mountain range, so it's just me, Sinead and Kay. Over the next two weeks, we
will spend the majority of our time with the street kids and up at Asha, which
is the orphanage in the mountains about 40 minutes away.
I went on a bit of a shopping spree and I brought the lads a new t-shirt each.
They only really seem to have their school uniform and one set of
'casual' clothes which they change into when they get home from school, so I
thought a new t-shirt each would be good. The only two things I'm worried
about - them fighting over the different colours I got (and boy, when they
fight, do they fight?!) and them keeping the clothes for 'best' which they have
a tendency to do, unless you specifically tell them the clothes are for
everyday wear. I think I will have to get them to line up in height order
and hand out the t-shirts one by one, otherwise it will turn into a brawl!
going to take them to the park and perhaps set them a project to do for the
week, and of course, help them with their homework, of which they have quite a
weekend everyone, and catch up with you all next week.
Elinor xxxx
Hi everyone,
After a
very relaxing weekend of getting my clothes washed properly at a laundrette
(luxury - smelt of lemons) a trip into the city to buy loads of new toys, games
(Twister, Scrabble, 3 new frisbees...) and a steam bath followed by an all over
body massage, I decided it would be good to put a plan together of what we were
going to do for the next two weeks. You know how I love to be in charge
and boss people about right?!!! So we sat down and looked at all the
equipment and games that we have and now we have an indoor / outdoor list of
things we can do up until next Thursday which is my last day. Can you
believe I've only got 10 days left? The time has flown by that's for
with our plan in hand, we arrived at the street kids centre yesterday, the lads
were just having lunch and then we sat them all down and explained the activity
planner. They seemed very excited, however, my favourite bit was when we
told them that we had some new clothes for them to wear when they were doing
their activities and that it was a present to celebrate the Dashain festival.
They couldn't line up in height order quick enough!! We handed out the
t-shirts and despite my fears, there was only limited swapping of colours :-)
The smallest boy, Nissan, did look so very cute with his oversized
t-shirt which looked more like a dress. Then, they were even more excited
when we handed out the shorts that Kay had brought. Having a whole new
outfit was just brilliant. Now here's the funniest thing, despite us
saying that they were not for best and that they were to wear them every day,
about half the group went and got changed, came out of their bedrooms, showed
us their outfit and then went back inside and got changed into their old
clothes again!! It took several tries before we got all of them to agree
to put on their new outfits as they didn't want to spoil them. So funny
seeing them going in and out of their bedrooms, asking each other if it was ok
to keep the clothes on and taking their lead from the older boys as to what was
Then we
took them to the park and played frisbee and ball throwing and we had also brought
a big washing line to use as a skipping rope, however, boys being boys, this
quickly became a high jump, a limbo line, tug of war and a thing to wrap around
your brother's neck and playfully try to garote them! Then the play
descended into play fighting and so Sinead and I got stuck in and soon enough,
I was the person to go to if you wanted to be hung upside down or spun around
until you were dizzy and fell over. Anyway, it's fair to say by the end
of it that their clothes were well and truly worn in and they weren't worried
about getting them dirty anymore.
in the afternoon, I took 5 of the older kids to the internet cafe so they could
play games on the computer and when we got back to the house, a new boy had arrived!
Seemingly, he had been picked up by some tourists who, along with some
locals, had brought him to street kids, hoping that there was space for him.
Ama signed some forms and took him in. We still have space for one
more boy if needed. This one looks like he will bolt at any minute
though, and it is often the case that when they first come, it takes a few
tries before they decide to stay and they realise they're on to a good thing.
It's whether they can accept the routine, the fact that they go to school
and do homework and whether they fit in with the other boys. It'll be
interesting to see if he's there today. Some run away and never come
back, particularly during tourist season like it is as the moment, as they can
make lots of money on the street and get given ice cream and chocolate.
Bloody tourists!!!
is painting and drawing, followed by Badminton, Skittles and Blind Man's Bluff!
Happy Days :-)
for all your lovely messages of support and news of home, I really do look
forward to logging on and reading about what you're all up to.
care, y'all and chat soon.
If you would like to join the PoD team in Nepal, then please email Gemma on
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