At Asha Foundation Children’s Home, the PoD Charity provides them with a monetary contribution to enable them to have meat twice a week. At Asha they are able to grow much of their own food due to a small allotment that they have, however this donation allows the children to have some much needed nutrients and variation in their diet.

Some of you may
remember that a few weeks ago, we were able to secure an extra PoD Charity
budget to clear the outside space at the Street Children’s Centre. They have
recently moved homes to a much bigger and more practical home. There is a great
outside space for the children to run around in as well as sit out and under
the shade and do their homework, however currently it is full of scrap metal
and rubble; this needs clearing and an area of the garden needs to be covered
by a shelter with their outside table put back up. This will make such a
difference to the children and Aama’s quality of life as they won’t be cramped
on the floor in the kitchen doing their work or eating anymore, they will have
a proper space. This is what the space looked like a few days ago when I made
the donation…
I visited 2 days later
and this was the progress that had already been made… The boys are so excited!
If you would like to join the team here in Nepal
please email Gemma on gemma@podvolunteer.org
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