Elinor was a recent volunteer in Nepal who came out for the 2 week Volunteer Experience and then stayed on for an extra two weeks. She very kindly offered to share her email updates she sent home to give you all more of an idea what life is really like when volunteering with PoD in Nepal. As there's a months worth, I was going to put up a few days over the next few weeks...Enjoy and thanks Elinor!
Sunday, I was fitted for my traditional dress which I'm expected to wear to
some of my placements and then we had a free afternoon, so Sinead took me on a
mini tour of Pokhara.
Friday night, we were well deserving of a few beers so we went to the local
tourist bar which is called Busybee and had cocktails. Now, I have to
warn you, if you're ever in Nepal, they don't really understand measures, so they just
basically pour alcohol into a glass until it's full! After 3 cocktails, I
couldn't see very well and had to call it a day! I woke up on Saturday
morning quite dehydrated and in need of quite a bit of water to get me going.
The rest of yesterday was a bit of a chill out day, so I decided to wash
the family dog, who is an Alsatian called Rex, and is completely loopy as he
runs around the garden chasing his own tail. He looked at me as if to say 'what
are you going to do to me woman?' but once I had covered him in water a few
times, he realised he really liked it and just stood there enjoying the
experience. Then I took him out for a walk in the fields at the back of
the house for about half an hour. I think he smelt every bush, leaf and
flower he could find!!!
the rain came! So, we decided not to push our luck and got a taxi back to
Lakeside!!! We were a bit shattered, very sweaty and tired
and it was our reward for the uphill climb.
Dated 23 September.
Hi everyone,
you're all well. I'm doing one e-mail to everyone as I've got the same things
to tell you all and the key board is really sticky, so I can tell I'm going to
get frustrated just doing one!
I arrived
in Kathmandu at 8.30am and was
met outside by my guide and taxi driver and we did the drive to the hotel
through Kathmandu city centre. If you have ever been to Cairo or India you will know what I mean when I say that the driving is
MENTAL! You just have to go for it and hope for the best. Arrived at the
hotel, checked in, had my first shower of many since I've been here (it's
freaking hot all the goddamn time!), a sleep and then I went to the Garden of
Dreams, the Monkey Temple, Durbar Square and Freak Street so felt I made the
most of the day.
next day I was up at 5.30 and the same taxi driver took me to the bus station
and made sure I was on the right bus. The people are all lovely and very
helpful. Now, I know that some of you will be disappointed that I wasn't
on a regular bus and handed a pig, a chicken or a baby, as previously
discussed, however, I was quite happy to spend my journey talking to Shakir
from Winchester who was visiting his sick mother who lived 10km outside of
Pokhara. I arrived in Pokhara after a very hot, very bumpy and quite hair
raising journey at times at 2pm and was
met by Chrissy from PoD and taken to Bindu's Guesthouse. My room is basic
(single bed - boo!) but I have my own bathroom which is great. In the
evening, we went for dinner and I met Sinead (18) and Luke (not sure - late
twenties I think) who are also volunteers.
we have been sightseeing, swam in a lake, visited two caves and a monastery, so
a really good day, however, I'm knackered and it's only 9.50pm!
the work begins, as we are taking a group of children from the local primary
school to the Gurkha Museum. I think I'm as excited as everyone else!
I have
to say that I'm really glad I chose Nepal. It's a fantastic placement, the people are lovely, and I
feel that I will make a difference whilst I'm here.
Oh, I
had my Nepali lesson this evening. Still only to know how to say
you all, miss you loads. Please pass this on to anyone that might be
remotely interested. I'll try and stay in touch as much as possible.
Elinor xxxxxxxxx
27 September.
Wednesday was the first full day of work, with a trip to Annapurna Primary school in the morning to do our face mask making. It was
very manic, as the teachers just kind of leave you to it and the children can
be very demanding when they all want to use the materials you're providing at
the same time, and the materials we have are very limited, for example, we only
had one pair of scissors to cut up all the face masks and bits of card and
shiny things to stick on. Nevertheless, the kids had a good time and
that's all that matters really.
In the
afternoon, Luke and I went to the street kids home, which is an entirely
different experience. Basically, it's 10 boys who live with a 'mother'
called Ama, and she looks after them, however, she is funded by charities, like
PoD, who pay for the boy's food, rent, school fees, etc. We're there to
help them with their English homework and then play games and activities.
Their English is amazing and they are good fun to be with.
we went to a local nursery in the morning. This is called Ward 6 and it
is for about 20 children between 3-4 years old. It is a very dark, hot
oppressive room, and the children are just left to their own devices for most
of the time. We took balloons and bubble blowers and musical instruments
and they definitely enjoyed the attention. This is a hard place to work
in, as the children just want to be hugged and played with. Some
placements suit certain types of people and I suppose that's why they always
need lots of volunteers.
we're going to take the children from the mountain orphanage Asha, for a trip
to the lake, so Sinead has just picked up the bag of life jackets. She
looks like one of the women on the street who carry the vegetables on the back
of their heads!
must dash, loads of love,
where did we get to?! On Friday, just after my last email we took the
children from the Asha Orphanage down to the lake and took them out on the big
peddle boats they have here. The children from this orphanage go to
school during the day, then when they get back they go out onto the farm and
work in the fields, so they have a very tough life. They are also not used to
busy town life, so I think everything was a bit overwhelming, however, the
cutest thing about them was that they had all dressed in their best clothes for
the outing so the girls had their hair done and their best dresses on and the
lads had jeans and checked shirts on so they looked 'cool', particularly the
lad who had his collar turned up! The downside to this is that they
didn't want to go anywhere near the water, so only Luke and I ended up going
for a swim which was much needed after peddling the boat in 35 degree heat!!!
the boat trip we took them into a local food shack and they had buffalo momo's
(like dumplings) and then we loaded them back onto the bus for their return
trip back into the mountains. We see these guys once a week on a Friday
afternoon, so next Friday we will be going to see them where they live which
should be interesting as it is a twenty minute taxi ride and then a twenty
minute walk into the hills.
In the
afternoon, I went to the bus station to meet the new volunteer who is here for
three weeks. Her name is Kay and she is from Watford,
although originally from Burma. She owns her own construction company and has two
grown up sons. She is 51. It definitely attracts all sorts, this
volunteer malarkey! We took her on a bit of a tour and had a snack, then
left her to relax.
Sinead and I went to the Peace Pagoda. This is on top of a hill on the
opposite side of the lake. In some ways it looks really near however,
when you actually decide to do it, you can either take a taxi to the bottom of
the hill and do a ten minute walk up the steps or you can decide to do what we
did and take the most round about way to the top, through the 'jungle' being
bitten by mosquitos, and walking through little villages, whilst shouting
'Namaste' to you as you walk by! I think it's fair to say that we think
we had the more adventurous journey, which made the views from the top after
our two hour trek, even more beautiful. The Peace Pagoda is one of 71 currently
built around the world with another 29 planned and they serve to spread the
word of peace and harmony, according to the Lord Buddha.

afternoon, I have had a spinal massage and Sinead has bitten her nails to the
quick whilst waiting for me in the bar next door. She says I mother her -
can you believe that?!!!
tomorrow, we are off to the Gurkha Museum with Shree Krishna, which is a local
school for 3-16 year olds, so we'll have a real mix of ages with about 30
expected to come on the trip and then in the afternoon, we're having our
cooking lesson on how to make Dal Baht, which is essentially rice and lentils
and is the staple diet here.
I can't
believe I'm going into my second week already and time is really flying by,
however, it is still really great to be here and I'm looking forward to the
week ahead.
you all and love you loads,
Elinor xxxx
More updates coming soon! But in the meantime if you would like to join the team in Nepal and volunteer with PoD, then please email Gemma on gemma@podvolunteer.org. You can also see photos of Elinors trip here